1. What is the Youth Advisory Council?

    The Youth Advisory Council is a 15-member council comprised of students between the ages of 16 and 26 years old from Butte and Glenn Counties that will experience a series of outdoor experiences and opportunities intended to increase access and awareness of the health benefits of outdoor adventure and advocacy.

  2. What do members on the Council do?

    • Go on outdoor excursions and learn outdoor adventure & nature connection skills

    • Attend monthly meetings to learn leadership, team building, health/wellness, and program planning skills

    • Network with community leaders and advocates to give input on local and regional issues and initiatives

    • Go on field trips and participate in internships to learn about different career opportunities regionally and beyond. *Active members may apply for funding to attend additional career prep trainings regionally.

  3. When does the program start and end and what are key dates to know about?

    Each cohort starts at the end of September and finishes in mid-June. The 2024 orientation will be September 28th & 29th. Monthly meetings and skill workshops take place on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday each month staring in October. Exact dates for outdoor excursions will be planned by the members and vary each year.

  4. Do I have to go on all the excursions and attend all of the meetings?

    There will be more than 8 excursions offered but we only ask that members attend a minimum of 8 to receive the stipend. Members may attend more if they choose to. Members are allowed a maximum of 3 absences from the meetings during the 9 month program.

  5. What will happen at the Youth Advisory Council Meetings?

    The YAC is a council co-created by the members FOR the members. Participants will meet monthly to learn leadership and personal development skills and will help guide the direction of the program and experiences.

  6. How do I get a stipend with the Youth Advisory Council?

    Participants will receive a $250 dollar stipend at the end of the program if they attend a minimum of 8 excursions and regularly participate in the monthly planning meetings and skill building workshops.

  7. Can I sign up for the Youth Advisory Council for more than one year?

    Yes!! Any previous members can sign up to participate again. Returning members may take an additional leadership role on the council

  8. Will I have to buy gear or special clothing/footwear for any excursions or will the Youth Advisory Council provide gear?

    Most excursions will not require any technical gear or special clothing/footwear. For trips such as snow shoeing and rock climbing or any excursion that requires additional items, the YAC will provide or rent the needed gear.