Get To Know The Elements Grant
ELEMENTS program made possible through a generous grant provided by the California Natural Resources Agency Youth Community Access Grant program funded by Proposition 64.
What is the Elements Grant?
The Elements grant was granted to the Paradise Recreation and Parks District from the State of California Natural Resources Agency for $299,592.00. The project was funded by Proposition 64, the Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act. The program aims to create a Youth Community Access component, the Youth Advisory Council.
Video describing the Youth Advisory Council experience from start to finish.
What is the Youth Advisory Council?
The Youth Advisory Council is a 15-member council comprised of students between the ages of 16 and 26 years old from Butte and Glenn Counties that will experience a series of Outdoor Experiences intended to increase access and awareness of the health benefits of outdoor adventure and advocacy. Funded by the Elements Grant, issued through the California Resources Agency, this program will be executed by the students chosen to sit on the council in order that they drive the direction of the grant and bring the healing benefits of the program back to their respective communities within Butte and Glenn Counties.
What are the Outdoor Experiences that YAC members will engage in?
Below are just a few of the experiences that YAC members may choose to engage in:
Feather River Salmon Float
Snow Shoeing in Lassen National Forest
Hiking in Upper Bidwell Park
Water Monitoring with the Stream Team
Boating at the Forebay Aquatic Center
Rock Climbing in the Feather River Canyon
Ropes Courses
Chico State Ecological Reserves Field Trips
Birding at the Sac Wildlife Refuge
Wildland Fire Fighter II Certification
Astronomy on Paradise Lake
Retreat at the Gateway Mountain Center
Time commitments for Youth Advisory Council members
The students that have applied and been chosen for the youth advisory council will be required to attend eight excursions per year and two evening meetings during each month of the program.
Application Process
How do I apply to be on the YAC or how do I help someone apply to be on the YAC?