Children are sponges. Soaking up all the things. They’re paying attention, and each of us has the honor and privilege of passing on some pretty great ways and reasons to care for this pale blue dot we call Earth. If we can naturally teach environmental stewardship throughout our day-to-day, they will learn it with ease ~
Outdoor education naturally enforces learning about environmental stewardship and conservation. When we teach about these important ideologies, we help guide the next generation of thought leaders and doers to take the reigns to implement better policies for our health, our communities, and the health of our planet.
Want to incorporate a few easy ways to be a better environmental steward?
We’ve got a baker’s dozen ways that you can incorporate in your day-to-day lives that will up your environmental stewardship game! There are loads of resources linked below for you to deepen your understanding — so, dive in!
Water Conservation
Run full loads of the dishwasher and the laundry.
Bring a bucket with you into the shower and use it afterward to water your household plants.
Brushing your teeth? Turn the water off until you’re ready to rinse.
Use those handy 5-gallon hardware-store buckets to harvest rainwater to wash your pets or your vehicles.
Beware of Packaging
Avoid using single-use plastics eg. disposable water bottles, silverware, food containers. Instead, use reusable products. As well, avoid using microplastics like glitter and beauty cleansers that have plastic exfoliating microbeads.
Food Awareness
Support local food growers by eating locally and seasonally.
Compost your food waste.
Reduce your meat consumption.
Reduce the Use of Fossil Fuels
Bike, walk, or rideshare to your destination.
Pare Paper Consumption
Pay bills online and donate shipping boxes that you don’t need.
Mindful Shopping
Shop at local yard sales, garage sales, estate sales, and at your local thrift stores. Check out fashionable online secondhand marketplaces like Poshmark, ThredUp, and Depop.
Lasting Lighting
Use LED lightbulbs.
Volunteering is a great way to learn more about environmental issues and to become a better environmental steward. Check out local Butte County organizations that offer opportunities for volunteering. When the community comes together to improve the quality of the natural world, everyone benefits.
Volunteer with local organizations like: