We can use our senses as a blueprint leading us to get back in tune to nature. We're bombarded with digital inputs day in and day out - let this list inspire you and get your creative juices flowing. Tune out to tune in!
The approximately 250 acres of Paradise Lake is pristine. People go to kayak, canoe, and do some light fishing. Biking is allowed on the trail by the lake.
Getting outside and enjoying nature has a plethora of benefits for our mental and physical health, and during this time is the safest way to reconnect with our loved ones while still social distancing.
A lot of things have came out of the devastating 2019 Camp Fire. One of those things being the beautiful book “My Name is Haley and I Live in Paradise.” Author and illustrator, Steve Ferchaud, tells the story of a girl named Haley and her adventures before and after the fire.
My family usually goes camping several times in summer, adventures that we look forward to all year. This summer, however, being the time of everything canceled, there is no camping for us.